Borderless Style Forms1


WinFormium borderless forms have no borders, no title bars, and no maximize, minimize, or close buttons. You can use the entire form area to display web page content. But unlike setting FormBorderStyle to None in WinForm, WinFormium’s borderless form can still be dragged, resized, maximized, minimized, and closed, but these functions require you to perform these functions when designing the form web front-end. set up. You can refer to Forms without Titlebar to learn how to implement these functions through the web front-end.

In addition, after setting the borderless form style, the form also has a built-in shadow effect in WinFormium, which can display a shadow around your form. This shadow is not generated by DWM, so it is not affected by Windows. The impact of the window manager, even if the application is running on a Windows 8/8.1 system, can display a shadow for the form. At the same time, you can set the color and transparency of the borderless form shadow, as well as the size and offset of the shadow.

Use the extension method UseBorderlessForm of WindowStyleBuilder to enable the borderless form style. The return value of this method is the BorderlessFormStyle type, which inherits from the FormStyle class, so you can use the properties of the FormStyle class to set it. The base style of the form, and use the properties of the BorderlessFormStyle class to set style properties specific to the borderless form style.

protected override FormStyle ConfigureWindowStyle(WindowStyleBuilder builder)
     var style = builder.UseBorderlessForm();
     return style


When the ShowBorder property is set to true, the form will display a border, and the color of the border is determined by the BorderColor property. By default, border lines are not displayed.

protected override FormStyle ConfigureWindowStyle(WindowStyleBuilder builder)
     var style = builder.UseBorderlessForm();
     style.ShowBorder = true;
     style.BorderColor = Color.Gray;
     return style;

In addition to the BorderColor property, BorderlessFormStyle also has an InactiveBorderColor property that is used to set the border color when the form loses focus. You can set the InactiveBorderColor property to Color.Transparent and WinFormium will automatically calculate a suitable color as the border color when the form loses focus. This is also the default value of InactiveBorderColor.

Drop Shadow

You can set the WindowShadowEffect property to control the shadow effect of borderless windows. The value of this property is an enumeration value of type ShadowEffect. This enumeration value includes the following shadow effects:

If you are not satisfied with the default shadow effect, you can use the ShadowColor property to set the color of the shadow and the InactiveShadowColor property to set the color of the shadow when the form loses focus. You can set the InactiveShadowColor property to Color.Transparent and WinFormium will automatically calculate a suitable color as the shadow color when the form loses focus. This is also the default value of InactiveShadowColor.

protected override FormStyle ConfigureWindowStyle(WindowStyleBuilder builder)
     var style = builder.UseBorderlessForm();
     style.ShowBorder = true;
     style.BorderColor = Color.Gray;
     style.WindowShadowEffect = ShadowEffect.Normal;
     style.ShadowColor = Color.FromArgb(0x33, 0x33, 0x33);
     style.InactiveShadowColor = Color.FromArgb(0x66, 0x66, 0x66);
     return style;

See also

  1. Borderless form style only supports WinFormium Business Edition