This article mainly introduces how to use WinFormium’s form Formium
class and its content related to browser functions. The form-related content in the Formium
class will be introduced in “Form Function”.
You can use the Url
attribute to specify the address of the web page that needs to be loaded. Before the browser is initialized, you can specify the Url
attribute in the constructor, then the specified web page will be automatically loaded after the browser is loaded. If the browser is loaded, modifying the Url
attribute will load the new web page immediately.
In addition, Formium
provides the Reload
method to reload the current web page. You can call this method to reload the current web page when needed. This method has an optional ignoreCache
parameter, which if set to true
will ignore the cache when reloading the web page.
You can use the GoBack
and GoForward
methods to implement the browser’s forward and backward functionality. Before calling these two methods, you can first determine whether the value of the CanGoBack
and CanGoForward
properties is true
. If it is true
, you can call the GoBack
and GoForward
You can display the browser’s debugging tools using the ShowDevTools
method of the Formium
class. Use the CloseDevTools
method to hide debugging tools. Use the HasDevTools
property to determine whether debugging tools are displayed.
You can use the ExecuteJavaScript
method to execute JavaScript code. You can also use the EvaluateJavaScript
method to execute JavaScript code and return the execution results.
For more information about executing JavaScript in WinFormium, see the JavaScript chapter.
You can use the UsePageTitle
property to specify whether to use the page title to set the form title. If set to true
, the page title will be used to set the form title. If set to false
, the default form title will be used to set the form title.
Common Properties
Property name | Description | Type | Default value |
CanGoBack | Gets a value indicating whether the browser can navigate backwards. | bool | false |
CanGoForward | Gets a value indicating whether the browser can navigate forward. | bool | false |
ChromiumEnvironment | Get the Chromium environment of the current browser. | ChromiumEnvironment | |
HasDevTools | Gets a value indicating whether the browser’s debugging tools have been displayed. | bool | false |
IsLoading | Gets a value that indicates whether the browser is loading the web page. | bool | false |
Url | Get or set the address of the web page currently loaded by the browser. | string | “formium:blank” |
UsePageTitle | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the page title to set the form title. | bool | true |
BrowserClient interface properties
Attribute name | Description | Type |
AudioHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s audio handler. | WinFormium.AudioHandler |
ContextMenuHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s context menu handler. | WinFormium.ContextMenuHandler |
DialogHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s dialog handler. | WinFormium.DialogHandler |
DisplayHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s display handler. | WinFormium.DisplayHandler |
DownloadHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s download handler. | WinFormium.DownloadHandler |
DragHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s drag and drop handler. | WinFormium.DragHandler |
FindHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s find handler. | WinFormium.FindHandler |
FocusHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s focus handler. | WinFormium.FocusHandler |
FrameHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s frame handler. | WinFormium.FrameHandler |
JsDialogHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s JavaScript dialog handler. | WinFormium.JsDialogHandler |
KeyboardHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s keyboard handler. | WinFormium.KeyboardHandler |
LifeSpanHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s life cycle handler. | WinFormium.LifeSpanHandler |
LoadHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s load handler. | WinFormium.LoadHandler |
PermissionHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s permission handler. | WinFormium.PermissionHandler |
RenderHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s rendering handler. | WinFormium.RenderHandler |
RequestHandler | Gets or sets the browser’s request handler. | WinFormium.RequestHandler |
Method name | Description | Return value |
BeginRegisterJavaScriptObject(CefFrame) | Start registering JavaScript objects. | JavaScriptObjectRegisterHandle |
RegisterJavaScriptObject(JavaScriptObjectRegisterHandle,string, JavaScriptObject) | Register a JavaScript object. | bool |
RegisterJavaScriptObject(JavaScriptObjectRegisterHandle,string, JavaScriptObjectWrapper) | Register a JavaScript object. | bool |
EndRegisterJavaScriptObject(JavaScriptObjectRegisterHandle) | End registration of JavaScript objects. | void |
EvaluateJavaScript(string,string,int) | Execute JavaScript code and return the execution result. | Task |
EvaluateJavaScript(CefFrame,string,string,int) | Execute JavaScript code and return the execution result. | Task |
ExecuteJavaScript(string,string,int) | Execute JavaScript code. | void |
ExecuteJavaScript(CefFrame,string,string,int) | Execute JavaScript code. | void |
GoBack() | Navigate to the previous web page. | void |
GoForward() | Navigate to the next web page. | void |
ShowDevTools() | Shows the browser’s debugging tools. | void |
CloseDevTools() | Hide the browser’s debugging tools. | void |
Reload(bool) | Reload the current web page. | void |
PostBrowserJavaScriptMessage(string,JavaScriptValue) | Send a JavaScript message to the current browser. | void |
Event name | Description | Parameters |
BeforeBrowse | Occurs before the browser navigates to a new web page. | BeforeBrowseEventArgs |
BeforeDownload | Occurs before the browser starts downloading the file. | BeforeDownloadEventArgs |
BeforeKeyEvent | Occurs before the browser receives a keyboard event. | BeforeKeyEventEventArgs |
BrowserCreated | Occurs after the browser is created. | BrowserCreatedEventArgs |
CanDownload | Occurs before the browser starts downloading the file. | CanDownloadEventArgs |
ConsoleMessage | Occurs when a message is output to the browser console. | ConsoleMessageEventArgs |
CursorChange | Occurs when the browser’s cursor changes. | CursorChangeEventArgs |
DocumentAvailable | Occurs after the browser loads the web document. | DocumentAvailableEventArgs |
DownloadUpdated | Occurs when the browser downloads a file. | DownloadUpdatedEventArgs |
FaviconUrlChange | Occurs when the browser’s web page icon changes. | FaviconUrlChangeEventArgs |
FramePageAddressChange | Occurs when the browser’s web page address changes. | FramePageAddressChangeEventArgs |
FramePageLoadEnd | Occurs after the browser’s web page has finished loading. | FramePageLoadEndEventArgs |
FramePageLoadError | Occurs when the browser’s web page fails to load. | FramePageLoadErrorEventArgs |
FramePageLoadStart | Occurs after the browser’s web page starts loading. | FramePageLoadStartEventArgs |
FullscreenModeChange | Occurs when the browser’s full screen mode changes. | FullscreenModeChangeEventArgs |
GetAuthCredentials | Occurs when the browser requires the user to enter credentials. | GetAuthCredentialsEventArgs |
KeyEvent | Occurs when the browser receives a keyboard event. | KeyEventArgs |
MediaAccessChange | Occurs when the browser’s media access permissions change. | MediaAccessChangeEventArgs |
OpenUrlFromTab | Occurs when the browser needs to open a new web page. | OpenUrlFromTabEventArgs |
PageAddressChange | Occurs when the browser’s web page address changes. | PageAddressChangeEventArgs |
PageLoadEnd | Occurs after the browser’s page has finished loading. | PageLoadEndEventArgs |
PageLoadError | Occurs when the browser fails to load a web page. | PageLoadErrorEventArgs |
PageLoadStart | Occurs after the browser page has started loading. | PageLoadStartEventArgs |
PageLoadingProgressChange | Occurs when the browser’s page loading progress changes. | PageLoadingProgressChangeEventArgs |
PageLoadingStateChange | Occurs when the browser’s page loading state changes. | PageLoadingStateChangeEventArgs |
PageTitleChange | Occurs when the browser’s page title changes. | PageTitleChangeEventArgs |
RenderProcessCrashed | Occurs when the browser’s rendering process crashes. | RenderProcessCrashedEventArgs |
SetFocus | Occurs when the browser gains focus. | SetFocusEventArgs |
StatusMessageChange | Occurs when the browser’s status message changes. | StatusMessageChangeEventArgs |
TakeFocus | Occurs when the browser loses focus. | TakeFocusEventArgs |
Tooltip | Occurs when the browser’s tooltip changes. | TooltipEventArgs |