Data Resources1


Data resources are resources whose goal is to provide data. For example, you can use commands and tools such as fetch or axios on the front end to make requests to the data resource processor to obtain back-end data. WinFormium’s data resource handler is a request interceptor that simulates the HTTP protocol. It can intercept HTTP requests initiated by the front end, forward the request to the back-end data resource processor, and then call the registered data service and perform the action in the data service. method and returns data.

It is mentioned here that the data resource handler is a request interceptor that simulates the HTTP protocol, so the data resource handler is not a real HTTP server. It only simulates the action of the request interceptor of the HTTP protocol, so that the front end can use the HTTP protocol. to access the data resource handler, so you cannot access the interface provided by the data service outside the current WinFormium process.

Register data resource handler

You can use AppBuilder to register the data resource handler during the WinFormium application creation phase, or you can use ConfigureServices of the WinFormiumStartup class to configure services to register the data resource handler during the WinFormium application configuration phase.

Registration example


class Program
     static void Main(){
         var builder = WinFormiumApp.CreateBuilder();

         var app = builder
         .UseDataResource("http","", provider => {
             provider.ImportFromCurrentAssembly(); //Import data services from the current assembly



Use the extension method UseDataResource of AppBuilder to register the data resource handler. The first parameter of the method is the Url protocol of the data resource handler. The second parameter is the Url of the data resource handler. The third parameter is a Action<DataResourceProvider> type delegate, you can configure the action of the data resource handler in this delegate. DataResourceProvider will be introduced in detail in the following summary.


class MyApp : WinFormiumStartup

     public override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
         services.AddDataResource("http","", provider => {
             provider.ImportFromCurrentAssembly(); //Import data services from the current assembly



DataResourceProvider is the configuration class of the data resource handler. You can configure the action of the data resource handler in DataResourceProvider. It provides the following methods:

Method Description
ImportFromAssemblies(string[] files) Import data services from the specified assembly file. files is the absolute path to the assembly containing the data service.
ImportFromAssembly(Assembly assembly) Import data services from the specified assembly. assembly is the assembly that contains the data service.
ImportFromCurrentAssembly() Imports data services from the current assembly.
ImportFromDirectory(string directoryName) Import data services from the specified folder. directoryName is the absolute path to the folder containing the data service.
ImportFromFile(string fileName) Import data service from the specified file. fileName is the absolute path to the file containing the data service.

Data Service

Data service is a class inherited from DataResourceService. You can define some action methods in the data service. Then when the data resource handler is initialized, an instance of the data service will be generated based on the configuration of the data service and action methods. The front end initiates When making an HTTP request, the data resource handler will call the action method of the data service based on the requested Url and return the data.

Create Data Service

In the following code example, we define a data service EchoService, which inherits from DataResourceService. When special declaration is required, the data service must end with Service, such as EchoService, otherwise the data resource handler cannot recognize the class as a data service.

using WinFormium.WebResource;

public class TestService : DataResourceService
     ILogger<TestService> _logger;

     public TestService(ILogger<TestService> logger)
         _logger = logger;
     // ...

RoutePathAttribute is the routing configuration of the data service. If you do not configure a route for the data service, the data resource handler will use the class name of the data service as the route. For example, the route of TestService is /Test/. In the above example code, we configured the route /Echo/ for the data service, then the data resource handler will use /Echo/ as the route for the data service.

In addition, the data service supports dependency injection. You can inject the services you need in the constructor of the data service. For example, in the above code, we inject a service of type ILogger<TestService>, so that we can The ILogger<TestService> service is used in the data service. Services need to be registered in the ConfigureServices method of WinFormiumStartup.

Create action

Let’s continue to improve the above data service example and define a action method Hello in the data service, which returns a string Hello World!.

using WinFormium.WebResource;

public class TestService : DataResourceService
     public IResourceResult Hello()
         return Text("Hello World!");

The action method of the data service needs to return data of type IResourceResult. That is to say, only the method with the return value of IResourceResult will be recognized as the action method of the data service. As with data services, you can also specify routes for actions individually. For example, in the above code, we specify the route Hi for the data service action Hello, then the data resource handler will use /Echo/Hi as the route for the data service action.

The routing attributes of data service actions are inherited from HttpMethodAttribute. Depending on the actual situation, you can use HttpGetMethodAttribute, HttpPostMethodAttribute, HttpPutMethodAttribute, HttpDeleteMethodAttribute, HttpPatchMethodAttribute, HttpHeadMethodAttribute, HttpOptionsMethodAttribute to specify routing and Http methods of action. The action only responds to requests for the specified Http method. If you do not specify an Http method, the action will respond to requests for all Http methods.

Return value of action method

In the above code, the Text method is used to return string content. You can also use the Json method to return Json data.

The DataResourceService class provides the following methods and properties:


Property name Type Description
Request ResourceRequest Get information about the current request.
Response ResourceResponse Get information about the current response.


Method name Description
BadReqeust() Returns an error result with status code 400.
Content(string,string) Returns a result with status code 200. The result content is the content of the content parameter, and the contentType parameter is the content type of the result.
Content(string,string,Encoding) Returns a result with status code 200. The result content is the content of the content parameter, the contentType parameter is the content type of the result, and the encoding parameter is the encoding of the result.
Json(object,JsonSerializerOptions) Returns a result with status code 200. The result content is the content of the object parameter. This parameter will be serialized into a Json string. The options parameter is the serialization option of the result.
Json(T,JsonSerializerOptions) Returns a result with status code 200. The result content is the content of the T parameter. This parameter will be serialized into a Json string. The options parameter is the serialization of the result. options.
NoContent() Returns a result with status code 204.
NotFound() Returns an error result with status code 404.
Ok() Returns a result with status code 200.
StatusCode(int) Returns a result whose status code is the statusCode parameter.
StatusCode(HttpStatusCode) Returns a result whose status code is the HttpStatusCode parameter.
Text(string) Returns a result with status code 200, and the result content is the content of the text parameter.

Parameters of action methods

You can define parameters in the action method of the data service. The data resource handler will call the action method of the data service and automatically assign values to the parameters based on the parameters requested by the front end.

using WinFormium.WebResource;

public class TestService : DataResourceService
     // ...

     public IResourceResult Test(int id, string[] message)
         return Json(new { id = id, text = string.Join(",", message) });


The above code defines a Test action, which has two parameters id and message. id is a parameter of type int and message is a parameter of type string[]. When the front end initiates a request for, the data resource handler will automatically assign the value of 1 to the id parameter and message The parameter assignment is ["hello","world"].

Let’s look at the following code:

using WinFormium.WebResource;

public class TestService : DataResourceService


     public async Task<IResourceResult> TestAsync([JsonBody] Model m)
         var request = Request;

         await Task.Delay(5000);

         return Json(m);

The above code defines a TestAsync action, which has a parameter m, which is a parameter of type Model. When the front end initiates a request to, the data resource handler will automatically assign the value of the m parameter to the requested Json data. It should be noted that the m parameter must be modified with the [JsonBody] attribute, otherwise the data resource handler cannot recognize the parameter as Json data.

Also you should note that this method is asynchronous and yes, you can use asynchronous methods in action methods of data services. In the above example, await Task.Delay(5000); is used to simulate a time-consuming operation. What you also need to know is that the data service will not block the main process regardless of the asynchronous or synchronous method.

Test data service

You can use the following front-end code to test the action method /Echo/Hi of the data service:

  .then((res) => res.text())
  .then(console.log); //console: Hello World!

You can use the following front-end code to test the data service’s actional method /Echo/Test:

  .then((res) => res.json())
  .then(console.log); //console: {id: 1, text: "hello,world"}

You can use the following front-end code to test the data service’s actional method /Echo/TestAsync:

fetch("", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: JSON.stringify({ id: 1, text: "Hello WinFormium !!" }),
  .then((res) => res.json())
  .then(console.log); //console: {id: 1, text: "Hello WinFormium !!"}

See also

  1. Data resource handler only supports WinFormium Business Edition.