Configure WinFormium Applications


WinFormium uses the static method CreateBuilder of the WinFormiumApp class to create the application builder AppBuilder. In the builder you can set CEF’s environment parameters, the application’s run mode, the application’s user data folder, the application’s resource folder, etc.

AppBuilder provides a series of methods for configuring WinFormium applications. After you configure these parameters, use the Build method to create a WinFormium application instance and use the Run method to start the application.

var app = WinFormiumApp.CreateBuilder()
     // Configure the application here
     // ...

Please refer to this section to learn how to configure a WinFormium application.

Use startup configuration

Use the UseWinFormiumApp<T>() generic method of the WinFormium application constructor AppBuilder to pass in the startup configuration class. For more information, please refer to “Startup Configuration”.

Enable built-in browser

When using a WinFormium app, when a user clicks a link in the app, the WinFormium app automatically opens the system default browser to open the link. If you wish to use WinFormium’s built-in browser window to open links, you can enable the built-in browser using the AppBuilder.UseBuiltInBrowser() method.

var app = WinFormiumApp.CreateBuilder()

Configure culture of the application

WinFormium applications use the current system’s language and culture by default, and you can configure the application’s language and culture using the AppBuilder.UseCulture() method. The UserCulture method accepts a string type parameter, which is a language and culture identifier, for example zh-CN means Chinese Simplified, en-US means English United States.

var app = WinFormiumApp.CreateBuilder()

Singleton mode

Use the AppBuilder.UseSingleInstance() method to configure the application to run in singleton mode. If the application is already running, you can choose to activate the already running application. The UseSingleInstance method accepts an Aciton<OnApplicationInstanceRunningHanlder> parameter. OnApplicationInstanceRunningHanlder contains the following parameters and methods:

var app = WinFormiumApp.CreateBuilder()
     .UseSingleApplicationInstanceMode(handler =>
         var retval = MessageBox.Show($"There is already an instance running: {handler.ProcessId}.\r\nDo you want to open its main form?", "Singleton mode is enabled", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon. Warning);
         if (retval == DialogResult.Yes)

Configure services

Use the AppBuilder.UseServices() method to configure the application’s services, which accepts an Action<IServiceCollection> parameter, which contains a parameter of type IServiceCollection where you can register your service. Using AppBuilder the service will be registered in each process of the application.

If the service needs to run in the main process, the service should be registered in the WinFormiumMain method of WinFormiumStartup. For more information about WinFormiumStartup, please refer to “Startup Configuration”.

Enable development tools menu

Using DevTools debugging tools is very useful when designing WinFormium applications. You can open DevTools debugging tools in Formium using the OpenDevTools method. If you wish to enable the DevTools menu in your application, you can enable the DevTools menu using the AppBuilder.UseDevToolsMenu() method, which allows you to right-click anywhere to launch DevTools in the context menu.

var app = WinFormiumApp.CreateBuilder()

Clear browser cache

In the CEF interface, there is no method to clear the browser cache. Although WinFormium provides the AppBuilder.ClearCache() method to clear the browser cache, this is a very violent way to clear the cache. This method will delete the Cache folder in the CEF user data folder. Doing so The consequence is that all caches in your application will be cleared, including cookies, browser history, etc., so you cannot specify a certain type of cache to be deleted.

Also, when CEF loads, it locks the user data folder so you cannot delete files in the user data folder, so you must clear the cache before CEF loads.

var app = WinFormiumApp.CreateBuilder()

See also