Startup Configuration


Use the UseWinFormiumApp<T>() generic method of the WinFormium application constructor AppBuilder to pass in the startup configuration class. The startup configuration class must inherit from the WinFormiumStartup abstract class, which is mainly used to configure the initialization information of the WinFormium application. .

The WinFormiumStartup abstract class contains a series of abstract methods and virtual methods. You can implement or override these methods in subclasses to configure the initialization information of the WinFormium application.

Configure the main form of the application

Use the UseMainWindow method to configure the application’s main form. This method accepts a MainWindowOptions parameter, which contains a series of configuration options where you can configure the application’s main form.


The MainWindowOptions.UseMainFormium method accepts a generic parameter, which must be inherited from the Formium class, which is used to configure the form’s style and home page address. This method using generic parameters supports dependency injection, and you can inject the services you need in the constructor.

protected override MainWindowCreationAction? UseMainWindow(MainWindowOptions opts)
     return opts.UseMainFormium<MyFormiumWin>();

At the same time, MainWindowOptions.UseMainFormium also provides an overloaded method that accepts a Formium parameter, and you can directly use an instance of a Formium derived class.

protected override MainWindowCreationAction? UseMainWindow(MainWindowOptions opts)
     return opts.UseMainFormium(new MyFormiumWin());


If your application requires a Form as the main form of the application, WinFormium allows you to use a normal Form as the main form.

The UseMainForm method receives a generic parameter, which is inherited from the Form class. This method using generic parameters supports dependency injection, and you can inject the services you need in the constructor.

protected override MainWindowCreationAction? UseMainWindow(MainWindowOptions opts)
     return opts.UseMainForm<MyForm>();

At the same time, MainWindowOptions.UseMainForm also provides an overloaded method that accepts a Form parameter, and you can directly use an instance of a Form derived class.

protected override MainWindowCreationAction? UseMainWindow(MainWindowOptions opts)
     return opts.UseMainForm(new MyForm());

You need to return the return value of the framework method provided by the MainWindowOptions parameter in the UseMainWindow method. This return value is a proxy of type MainWindowCreationAction, which contains the related logic of form creation.

Configure the main process of the application

Configure the main process of the application using the WinFormiumMain method, which accepts a string[] parameter, which contains the command line parameters passed in when the application starts.

The function of this method is to replace the Main method in the WinForm default template. In Overview, the theoretical knowledge of CEF multi-process architecture is briefly introduced. In CEF’s multi-process architecture, the main process and rendering The processes are separated, and some code in the main process should not run in the rendering process, so you should execute the code in the main process in the WinFormiumMain method.

Because the entry method Main is also called when the child process is started, if some code of the main process is placed in the Main method according to previous understanding, then the child process will also run these codes. For example, you initialize the component in the Main method of the WinFormium application to perform some scheduled tasks, but the Main method will also be executed when the child process starts, so the component will be in the child process. execution, this will cause the child process to also execute these scheduled tasks, which is obviously incorrect.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended to execute the code in the original Main method in the WinFormiumMain method, which can prevent the child process from running some incorrect initialization code.

protected override void WinFormiumMain(string[] args)
     // The code in the Main function should go here, this function only runs in the main process.
     // This prevents the child process from running some incorrect initialization code.

Configure Chromium Embedded Framework

Use the ConfigurationChromiumEmbedded method to configure Chromium Embedded Framework, which accepts a ChromiumEnvironmentBuiler parameter, which contains a series of configuration options where you can configure the CEF running environment or parameters.


When using any CEF-based framework, configuring CEF’s command line parameters is essential. In WinFormium, you can configure CEF’s command line arguments using the Aciton<ConfigureCommandLineArguments> method.

protected override void ConfigurationChromiumEmbedded(ChromiumEnvironmentBuiler cef)
     cef.ConfigureCommandLineArguments(cmdLine =>

For more information about CEF command line parameters, see Chromium Command Line Parameter List. It should be noted that some of the command line parameters listed in this document are not applicable to CEF, so you need to refer to the CEF documentation to understand the command line parameters supported by CEF.


Use the ConfigureDefaultSettings method to configure the default settings of CEF. This method accepts an Action<CefSettings> parameter, which contains a series of configuration options. You can configure the default settings of CEF here.

protected override void ConfigurationChromiumEmbedded(ChromiumEnvironmentBuiler cef)
     cef.ConfigureDefaultSettings(settings =>
         settings.WindowlessRenderingEnabled = true;


Use the ConfigureDefaultBrowserSettings method to configure CEF’s default browser settings. This method accepts an Action<CefBrowserSettings> parameter, which contains a series of configuration options. You can configure CEF’s default browser settings here.

protected override void ConfigurationChromiumEmbedded(ChromiumEnvironmentBuiler cef)
     cef.ConfigureDefaultBrowserSettings(settings =>
         settings.BackgroundColor = new CefColor(0, 0, 0, 0);


Use the ConfigureSubprocess method to configure the CEF subprocess. This method accepts an Action<SubprocessOptions> parameter, which contains a series of configuration options. You can configure the CEF subprocess here.

In the multi-process architecture of CEF, the main process and the rendering process are separated. By default, CEF starts multiple current executable files as child processes. When introducing the CEF multi-process architecture in Overview as mentioned before, if the main application executable file is large and has a lot of logic, the loading time will be very long, and starting the executable file multiple times as a child process will also occupy too much memory. In this case, you can Use a separate executable file as its child process to speed up application startup time and reduce memory usage.

protected override void ConfigurationChromiumEmbedded(ChromiumEnvironmentBuiler cef)
     cef.ConfigureSubprocess(sub =>
         //Specify the file path of Subprocess
         sub.SubprocessFilePath = "WinFormiumSubProcess.exe";

The WinFormiumSubProcess.exe mentioned in the above code example is a sub-process executable file created separately to separate the main process and the rendering process. You can find it in “The Subprocess” Learn how to create a standalone subprocess executable.


The ChromiumEnvironmentBuiler parameter also provides many other methods for configuring the CEF running environment or parameters. You can refer to the following documents to learn more:

Configure application services

Use the ConfigureServices method to configure the application’s services, which accepts an IServiceCollection parameter, which contains a series of configuration options where you can configure the application’s services.

Please note that the services registered in the ConfigureServices method in WinFormiumStartup can only be used in the main process. If you need to use the service in all processes, please register the service in the UseServices method in AppBuilder. However, please note that services registered in different processes are independent of each other, so services registered by child processes cannot be called in the main process, although the names and types of these services are the same.

protected override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
     //Register embedded resources
     services.AddEmbeddedFileResource(new EmbeddedFileResourceOptions
         Scheme = "http",
         DomainName = "",
         ResourceAssembly = typeof(Program).Assembly,
         EmbeddedResourceDirectoryName = "wwwroot",

     //Register local resources
     services.AddLocalFileResource(new LocalFileResourceOptions
         Scheme = "http",
         DomainName = "",
         PhysicalFilePath = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "wwwroot"),

     //Register JavaScript Window Binding Object

See also